How PigPen Theatre Co. Is Transforming High School Theater

Zach Dulli Archive

Last weekend’s Theatre Educators Conference was electric, crackling with the shared energy of teachers from across the nation, each eager to absorb and exchange wisdom. But this year, amidst the whirlwind of workshops and impassioned networking, two figures stood out, sparking a fervor that seemed to herald a new dawn for high school theatre: Ma...

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Directing Comedy: Tips for High School Theatre Directors I learned from TV’s James Burrows.

Zach Dulli Archive

Directing high school theatre can feel like a Herculean task, especially when it comes to directing comedy. Guiding seasoned actors in delivering punchlines with finesse is one thing, but getting a group of teenagers to understand comedic timing and the truth behind the humor is a whole different challenge. Yet, if one person has mastered the art ...

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Strategies to Build a Thriving High School Theatre Program

Zach Dulli Archive

Recruiting and retaining passionate students in high school theatre can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. With so many extracurricular activities vying for their attention, how do you attract new students and keep them returning year after year? Whether you’re a seasoned theatre educator or just getting your program off the ground, these tip...

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Inside the Rehearsal Room: Techniques for Successful Directing

Zach Dulli Archive

When the lights dim and the curtain rises, the audience is transported into a world of seamless movement, raw emotion, and compelling storytelling. But behind every captivating performance is a director who has painstakingly orchestrated the action in the rehearsal room. For theater teachers, balancing the art of directing with the practicalities ...

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Taking on New Works That Mean the World: A Conversation with the Team behind Table 17 at MCC Theater

Zach Dulli Archive

Creating new work is daunting and scary, especially when it means so much to you. Taking it on and putting it up on stage can be even more frightening, but when you have the perfect team around you, creativity flows, and magic is made on stage. That is very much the case with the new Douglas Lyons play, Table 17, which recently premiered and is cu...

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How to Create a Rehearsal Schedule Worthy of Applause!

Zach Dulli Archive

The backbone of any successful theatre production isn’t just the talent on stage or the story in the script; it’s the art and science of a solid rehearsal schedule. Without a well-crafted plan, your aspiring performers might end up improvising more than they should. Here’s a guide to help educational theater directors strike the righ...

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